Monday, April 27, 2015

Taking A Sabbath

The ladies at our church have been watching the Bible Study by Priscilla Shirer called Breath.  It has been a great study where she has been teaching us how to take a Sabbath in our lives. Not a Sabbath as in Sunday go to church, but Sabbath as in making space in our lives for ourself, our children, our Lord. Cleaning out the clutter such as knickknacks, extras in our closets, children's toys, and things like extra linens we have in our homes that we don't even use but to afraid to get rid of.  She gave us a challenge to take 14 minutes each day for time with our maker, 14 inches each day to clean out that much clutter in our lives.  So I would like to challenge my friends, family and followers to do the same.  What do we have that we can't or won't use anymore? Are we willing to have a garage sale and get rid of it or have someone in mind that might need it more than we do. This week take time to look around and ask yourself "does this make me happy, can I live without it, have I used it in the past 6 months?" Check yourself this week are you taking at least 14 minutes each day to spend time in your devotion. To my younger friends and family take time for yourself everyday. Your children are going to grow up and move on with their lives and there you'll be asking yourself "what now." Leave me a post and follow along as we learn what others are doing different in their lives.
Be blessed this week.
Matthew 17:20


  1. That is a great summary and motivational post! I am so thankful to have you in my life. I look forward to following and learning from this blog!!

  2. What a terrific challenge. Needing to "declutter" in many ways.

  3. Looking forward to this week's blog!
